We’re giving away free 1-year subscriptions worth $300 with the beta program.

As 365 Desk is a brand new application for Microsoft 365 users we know there’s room for improvement. We’ve got a list of features longer than my arm we still haven’t had time to add, but instead of waiting, we thought it better to let you use the app now and get you to tell us how to make it better.
But no-one expects something for nothing, so we’ve come up with a limited time beta program and it’s open now!
How does the beta program work?
It couldn’t be easier. As long as you are a Microsoft 365 business user, all you have to do it click on the button below to open the app and automatically start your 2-week trial – no credit card required. If you’re not already signed in to Microsoft 365 you’ll be prompted to do so. And if a Microsoft 365 admin in your company or organization hasn’t already accepted the app permissions for everyone, you’ll be prompted to accept them to continue.
Would you like to know more about what these permissions are for before you start your trial? We have a detailed description on our about page.
Then what? Use the app and start saving time by organizing the files and emails you need in the way you want them. You’ll also be able to pick up straight from where you left off, whether that be the next day or from a different computer. Just before the 2-week trial period is up, we’ll send you a small, simple questionnaire by email.
Answer the questions and send it back to us. We’ll activate your special beta subscription. That will let you keep using the app as it is now until our official launch. By then, with the help of your feedback, the new version of 365 Desk will be ready and then you’ll get a free 1-year subscription worth $300 starting from the official launch date.
We’re not going to leave you alone to figure out how the app works. We’ve already got several short videos published on our YouTube channel. We also have a support community ready to answer your questions on Reddit.
Up to 5 people in your company or organization can start a trial and take part in the beta program. If you have special reasons to need more trial subscriptions, get in touch with us at support@365desk.io and we’ll evaluate each case individually.